Wilpon Family Tree PDF



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Jacob & Rachel PDF

Abraham Tree PDF

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This page contains 2 files you can download.

1) "Jacob & Rachel PDF" is the family tree from Jacob Joseph & Rachel Wilpon.   

2) " Abraham Tree PDF" is the family tree from Abraham Wilpon. Pages are numbered 1-13.  1-7 get put in order from left to right.  8-13 get put in order underneath from left to right

These will be many pages long when you print it out but I tried to design it so you could easily join them together for a complete tree.  

For those who are unfamiliar with the process, below are instructions for saving these files.

1) Click on the ....PDF" link on the left side that you want.  This will open up a  Family Tree PDF file (You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this).  From there you can at the top left choose "file" then "save" and save it to your hard drive.


2) Right click the "Family Tree PDF" button on the left side.  Then left click "save target as" and save the file to your hard drive.